Reveal beings to themselves, free them from their shackles, make them discover the part of divine which is in them.
Isadora Duncan

Dance therapy
By her long dance experience as a dancer-choreographer and teacher in different environments, her background and her trainings in holistic therapy,Fabienne Courmont has developed a a dance therapy method as a process of transformation and awakening, accessible to everyone with or without dance experience.
Inspired by the spirit of Isadora Duncan, influenced by the traditions she has revisited in order to transmit them in a free form (Taï-Chi, No- theatre, Shinto, Butô dance, trance dance, shamanism, sacred Indian dance , dervish) and new quantum therapies current, she created a synthesis.
Danse de l'Être
Since 2004, she has trained people in her method, initially called "Soul Dance" which in 2008 became Danse de l’Être®. Since 2014 she has trained practitioners internationally certified by the C.I.D - UNESCO partner.
In its dance-therapy approach, Isness dance offers a framework for letting the body talk of what is present within it, without any pre-conceptions or judgment. It is the life energy that is the therapist and it will act there where it is needed. In this approach the word therapy is taken in the etymological sense "which brings into harmony". When energy flows freely, there is harmony on all planes: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Energy awakening.
Do In, practices Shinto energy movements and sounds spirit , grounding and centering exercises, conscious breathing and creative visualization to be prepared to dance.
Earth Medicine Dance
Through Isness dance we discover our connection with nature through a shamanic dance of the 5 elements, Buto dance indoor & outdoor in nature and the study of the natural movement inspired by Isadora Duncan.
It is an experience that invites each person to heal their relationship with Mother Earth, with its body and its life in order to find their true nature.

Chakra dance
From the Indian tradition, Chakra dance is linked to a plane of consciousness : physical, emotional,mental & spiritual.
The chakra dance awakens our inner body energy and harmonizes all our dimensions .
In Isness dance, the chakra dance is associated with the five elements, colors, sounds and vibrations that make up the creation.
Awakening of the sacred feminine
Welcoming life’s cycles, exploring the archetypes of the Goddesses within us, it allows us to approach the sacred feminine’s mystery, source of infinite love, fertility, wild force, inspiration, beauty and ecstasy and to liberate ancestral memories.
Through dance, going through different stages of initiation into the sacred feminine welcoming the sacred masculine , it helps to fully develop our sovereignty.

Dance therapy and the 4 A
The 4 A's: Accueillir =Welcoming, Accepter =Accepting, Alchimiser =Alchimizing, Aimer = Loving It is the therapeutic tool of Isness dance which allows us during the dance to transform the emotions and cellular memories inscribed in our body and to alchemize our shadow into light so to raise our vibration to the frequency of our inner Being.
Butô of Light
Butô of Light is a new approach to the Butô method, created by Fabienne Courmont, born by her meeting with the original Butô masters in Japan Tanaka Min & Kazuo Ohno, her training of Integral yoga with Sri Aurobindo and her own inner transformation
This quantum dance, through hyper slowness and dance meditation to the deep Being, allows to alchemize the shadow into light reaching the heart of their cells.

Transe dance
Conscious trance or soft trance is used in Isness dance in a framework which allows you to break free of the ordinary mind and to release blocked energies. The Catharsis, consciousness experienced in this context, opens up new paths in the body and mind.
Trance dances are inspired by traditional shamanic practices, earth dance and dervish .
They are gateways to Beingness.
Mudras and sacred geometry
The hands are the messengers of the soul. Hand gestures or mudras, the heart’s language, are universal symbols or codes written in our cells and DNA.
Living, feeling our inner self and dancing geometric shapes through mudras and movements of the whole body, it is a powerful harmonizing tool which acts on all planes and it allows to spiritualize the matter.
All forms of the universe are inscribed in our body.

Rituals- celebrations and sharing circle
The sharing circles , it is a time for meditation ,drawing, writing and verbal sharing which allow work on the intention so as to link body and spirit and harmonize all conscious planes.
It allows also to integrate the experience of the body during the dance. Rituals and celebration moments develop the creativity of the group, the sacred dimension, sharing and unity awareness.
From the dance therapy to isness dance
A sacred dance revival , Isness dance is inspired by various traditions that connect body and mind, nature and Isadora Duncan's free dance.