
Compagnie Les Pléïades

I thank you...

  • The association office of "la Danse de l’Avenir".
  • Isness dance academy's team who works and offer their service to the living in a spirit of co-creation at the secretariat, communication, management, educational and artistic assistance.
  • Les Pleiades dance company's dancerswho by their dance sow the ether of the beauty of the sacred feminine and honor mother earth.
  • Isness dance practitioners who transmit with passion giving their own colour to this art of free dance and beyond this art of living

The collaborators who for many years have been helping to promote the Isness dance

Crédits Photos

©Théo Lian for most of the photos site
©Myriam Mougenot
©Diane Fagioli

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Compagnie Les Pléïades